How An Ex-School Teacher Cracked the Code To Blackjack and Beat the Dealer 75% of the Time!

My name is Bill, and as a kid, I loved anything having to do with puzzles and problem solving. While other kids were outside playing baseball and hopscotch, I was in my room taking apart small appliances, or playing chess against the computer. I solved the Rubick’s Cube at age 10 and was beating my dad at chess by age 12.
After attending the university, I went on to teach math and science at public schools, but continued to devote my spare time to my passion, card games.
I read about many casino games and found something different about this deceptively simple one known as blackjack.
You see, unlike other casino games such as craps and roulette, which offer set odds in favor of the house, the odds in blackjack are constantly changing and sometimes are in the player’s favor by as much as 16% (during a single hand).
Boy did this fact make me excited, and I was determined to win. I read and played as many blackjack systems as I could. I tried card counting, played basic strategy, and experimented with progression systems, but I COULD NOT get significantly ahead.
Some systems only worked half of the time and others were so complicated, that even though I could keep the count at home, during real casino play they were pretty useless. Plus, I was tired of pit bosses breathing down my neck.
I realized that all of these systems had strengths in some areas, but were extremely weak in others.
I wasn’t one of these ex-dealers or pit bosses who sells some system after watching people win and lose for twenty years. I was an ordinary school teacher who had nothing going for myself but a thorough understanding of mathematics, statistics, and probability. I knew odds like nobody’s business.
One night, I was lying in bed practicing my basic strategy and card counting, when it came to me…
I saw the solution to blackjack, and at its core was the radical approach of altering both the bet amount and the basic strategy during streaks.
No one had tried this because all the blackjack strategists were either counting cards, or treating each hand like an independent event. NO ONE was considering THE EFFECT OF STREAKS on basic strategy!!!
I contacted an old mathematician buddy of mine and he was amazed at how easily the strategy compounded winnings during streaks, when the player won more than two hands in a row, and curbed losses, when the dealer experienced his own streak. He knew I was onto something big!
The one issue we had was that it failed to profit in the absence of streaks (during most of the game). So we went about tweaking the strategy over and over, testing it on various computer simulations and when all was said and done, we discovered the secret to profiting during the choppy game as well.
We had cracked the code and now there was no looking back!
Las Vegas, Atlantic City, Antigua, Costa Rica, river boats and Indian casinos… You name it, we played it, and the chips kept stacking, city after city.
Pit bosses surrounded us, but stood there twiddling their thumbs, as it was obvious we weren’t counting cards.
All they could do was comp us rooms, shows, meals, and flights back after taking them for hefty sums.
This blackjack strategy completely CHANGED MY LIFE, I call it…
The Easy Money Blackjack System™
Note: This isn’t some inferior product with a simple hot streak progression. It’s a genuine 80 page manual with detailed step-by-step instructions on how to beat the game of blackjack. This unique system is NOT found in stores or anywhere else online.
For more on how streaks work:
start here.
Now that I have a PROVEN SYSTEM, life is very different.
I have time to enjoy various hobbies like snorkeling, investing, and art, as I travel the world in search of new and interesting rule variations to the beloved game of blackjack. My winnings have freed up much of my time and have afforded me a lifestyle that many only dream of.
NOW is your OPPORTUNITY to share this knowledge.
The truth is that I could easily charge much more for this information, in fact I could charge $2500 OR MORE, and my happy customers would gladly pay many times that for the PROFIT potential it has opened for them. I have had offers to teach seminars, consult privately etc, but I’ve already made my fortune. I’ve done all of the hard work for you.
You WON’T have to REINVENT THE WHEEL like I had to do. I truly enjoy seeing others take back the advantage that casinos have taken for granted for so many years.
I currently charge only a nominal fee to cover the expenses involved in curating and maintaining all of this information on this site. The response has been nothing short of colossal but with our upcoming affiliate programs, the cost could increase significantly.
Get in now while you can still order the system for the price of an average bet in blackjack.
I have a passion for the game of blackjack and I scout out all of the rules and deals in the gaming world to bring you the best blackjack offerings. My customers love the information and thank me even more once they learn the secret to winning. I want to help you turn the tables on them and put WINNINGS in YOUR POCKET.
But remember, I don’t need or want your money unless I make you many times the cost of this winning formula!
That’s why I’m willing to let you try it out the Easy Money Blackjack System™ for 60 DAYS completely RISK FREE. I encourage you to test it and see for yourself how you too can win without the fear of getting banned for counting cards. Go on and make the change today. Like so many others, you won’t believe how EASY WINNING BIG at blackjack can be!
After many years of searching, implementing, and testing, I now have in my hands a PROVEN formula that is guaranteed to beat the casinos at their own game and fill my pockets with cold hard cash!
The Easy Money Blackjack System™

Inside Easy Money Blackjack, you’ll discover and learn PROVEN methods that work (I know because I’ve tried and tested them, remember).
I’ve done all of the hard work for you so you won’t have to start from scratch, the way I did.
All you have to do is follow a few simple steps in my bullet proof strategy and you can reap the rewards too.
Visit the testimonials page to read about what just some of the players have experienced using Easy Money Blackjack. They can’t thank me enough for changing their game.
Your Purchase Is 100% Protected
You have NOTHING to lose and EVERYTHING to gain. I’m so confident that The Easy Money Blackjack System™ will change your game that I’m offering a “No-Questions-Asked” 100% Money Back Guarantee.
All I ask is you TRY OUT The Easy Money Blackjack System™ for 60 days…
…If you haven’t made MANY TIMES the cost of the product in that time, then I DON’T want your money!
Simply contact me using our contact link and I’ll happily refund your purchase in full.
And Then There’s More…
So to encourage you to take action and purchase The Easy Money Blackjack System™ NOW, I’m going to include some nice related bonuses that I’ve created myself (NOT from those junk PLR resources) that compliment The Easy Money Blackjack System™ so that you can start WINNING FASTER.
Most others charge hefty fees to access this kind of information, but you’ll get it FREE.
Basic Strategy Cards
2″x3.5″ cards that you can use to practice or take with you into the casinos (most people don’t even know that you can do this). That way you can refer to them in case you forget you basic strategy.
The statistically correct BEST PLAY for any given hand.
Charts for all the most common 21 games world wide.
Color coded to make finding the correct move QUICK and EASY.
Print them out as often as you wish on card stock.
Blackjack Casino Rules & Conditions
Lifetime access to listings of blackjack rules being offered in all of the casinos in Las Vegas, Reno, Atlantic City, Lake Tahoe, Macau, China, and more.
Log in to a current list of blackjack conditions for 2022.
The truth is that NOT all blackjack games are created equal and if you’re not doing your homework and play in the wrong games, you can lose your shirt NO MATTER what strategy you’re using.
Our listings are constantly updated by our user base. They allow you to easily find the best games with the most liberal rules to give you the edge and avoid casinos that offer lower blackjack payouts and restrictive betting rules. This means MORE WINNINGS and SMALLER LOSSES for you.
Tables may be viewed online or pasted and printed for offline use.
Other sites charge $130 subscription fee per year for this service alone.
Inside Easy Money Blackjack, you’ll discover and learn PROVEN methods that work (I know because I’ve tried and tested them, remember):
Plus, we’ll give you access to casino reviews, travel and gambling coupons, online blackjack games and more!
If you think about it, the VALUE I’m offering you today with The Easy Money Blackjack System™ along with all the bonuses could easily reach $2500 or more. But you won’t even have to pay anything near that amount if you purchase NOW.
You only need to come up with less than one-tenth of that price – which I’m sure you’d agree is still A STEAL.
So go ahead and CLICK the ORDER NOW button below now to start learning how to WIN BIG FAST:
I confess…
I want you to get The Easy Money Blackjack System™ NOW because I know without a shadow of a doubt that it’s going to get you winning FASTER, and EASIER than ever.
Why should I care about you?
Because when I help you beat the dealer, you’re going to tell your family and friends about me and my product. When that happens, of course I enjoy viral word-of-mouth marketing – which means I sell more of my product.

Do you really want to continue living your life suffering from overwhelming losses forever? Let’s be frank, you wouldn’t be on this site if you wanted that.
You’re here because you KNOW you deserve a BETTER outcome from the game of blackjack than the one you have.
If you TRULY want to solve your losing problem and start winning consistently, the time to do something about it is NOW.
What will your family and friends think and say of you? Take charge of your game now, turn everything around once and for all, and SURPRISE THEM!
YOU deserve to be successful at blackjack… and I’m 100% confident that this program is going to get you winning FASTER, and EASIER than anything you’ve ever seen before…
I can only show you the door…I can’t walk through it for you.
You have to do it yourself.
So what’s it going to be?
Are you going to do NOTHING, and continue to ride the roller coaster of inconsistent returns?
Are you going to stay on the endless cycle of jumping from one card counting system to the next, playing in fear and getting kicked out with NOTHING to show for it?
You already know that counting cards is totally USELESS against continuous shuffle machines and software games online.
Are you going to be part of the 95% of people that DON’T make money at all over the long run?
Or are you going to take action, grab this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, … and START WINNING tomorrow?
Don’t Decide Now…
It doesn’t get better than this!
Your new life filled with FREEDOM and REWARDS is waiting for you.Grab it now! You deserve it…
Remember, this is the ONLY system of it’s kind… You won’t find all this information anywhere else for any price, let lone for the ridiculously low price HERE. Do yourself a favor…
You won’t believe how easy winning big at blackjack can be!
By the way, I've played at many of the TOP RATED online casinos on the net, and I can say that BOVADA'S LIVE BLACKJACK games offer the best surrender games in the industry.
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*Disclaimer - I do receive a commission if you decide to deposit and play with real money.